"Safe products - the guarantee of health"
«Безопасные продукты - залог здоровья» 24.06.2016

The urgency of the safety of food products problem increases every year, since the security of food raw materials and food is one of the main factors determining the health of people and the preservation of the gene pool.

June 10, 2016 Department of Consumer Protection KZPP NEM RK and the branch of RSE on REU "National Center for Expertise" KZPP NEM RK on the WKO issued a joint order about the action aimed at protecting the rights of consumers "Safe products - the guarantee of health."

The main purpose of the action is ensuring safe sanitary-epidemiological situation in cultivation and sale of melons, importation of fruits and vegetables in the area.

Heads of territorial offices of the Department of Consumer Protection and regional offices of the branch entrusted to carry out the action at the same time in all regions during the period from 14th to 16th June 2016. Action was held in major retail outlets, the area of ​​markets; during the action specialists explained to costumer the rights of purchasing a good-quality product, on protection in case of buying products that do not meet hygienic standards.

During the action days, buyers were able to self-check the quality of the purchased products: vegetables, fruits, for the presence of pesticides, nitrate, and explore other agricultural products with the issuance of formal research protocols.

Leaflets, brochures with the titles: "As a consumer to protect their rights", "Food Safety", "Everyone should know the customer", "Principles of healthy eating", "Five key techniques for safer food" were reproduced and distributed.

During the event using rapid methods were held more than 600 researches on the bacteriological, parasitological indicators and hygiene studies. At the same time, the results of the investigated food samples for bacteriological and parasitological studies comply with regulatory requirements, the study of fruit and vegetables on the content of nitrates in the city of Uralsk is 12% higher than the permissible level, there are positive findings by region, but the excess of the permissible level is not revealed.